Use Posca paint pens to create a colourful self portrait in one session, share your work with the group, and co-create a response poem.
An inspiring presentation on the power of the visual presentation of words, followed by a few simple techniques, and the opportunity to make your own statement.
A life drawing workshop where the model is an integral part of the process. React to their art, poetry, or performance in any style or medium you choose.
A primer on the idea of critical thinking, some time to examine bias, including your own, then get messy making collages, scribbling, questioning, and expressing your questioning skills in colour
Work with me on a bespoke workshop just for your group. We can incorporate visual or movement arts, and (almost) any theme or area of life you want to explore.
We can all play a part in minimising plastic pollution in our oceans and soils. Learn about ocean plastics and how we can minimise them, how recycling fits in, but why it isn't a catch-all solution. Can be tailored to adults or children.
Try out hula hoop, poi spinning, and juggling in a fun beginner friendly workshop. Great for light exercise and mindful movement.
Can be tailored to adults or children over 7 years.